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Enjoy a hearty discount on this M&S Pinot Grigio

Plus where to find a brilliantly priced Montepulciano

This week’s high street picks include a discounted Pinot Grigio and a dependable Montepulciano. 

2018 Pavia Pinot Grigio delle Venezie (£6.67 – instead of £10 until 13 April – at M&S, and 12%): 

If you’re looking for a zesty white for Easter, there is a big discount on this guy from Italy’s major Pinot Grigio region in the north east of the country.  

It has soft apple and ripe pear fruit, zesty acidity to complement its savoury edged depth, and a touch of mace with a smattering of honey too.  

2018 Tesco Montepulciano D’Abruzzo (£4.75 at Tesco, and 12.5%): 

Another Italian but from a bit further south, this uses the dependable Montepulciano grape to produce straightforward red wine at a brilliant price.  

Enjoy its intense black cherry and mulberry fruit embellished with mocha and liquorice depth, good acidity but attractively soft tannin.  

We’ll be back on Monday with details of Lidl’s latest promotion.

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2 responses

  1. Do you know if the Easter 25% deals are going ahead? Some of us are missing our wine society delivery service!

  2. Hi Tony and good to hear from you. Given that most retailers are having to focus on controlling customer demand – rather than attracting it – promotions are a low priority at the moment. Sainsbury’s certainly pulled their 25% off Easter deal but I believe the conventional Waitrose promotion (ie NOT a 25% off specials) will go ahead on 15 April. Will keep you posted as I hear … Brian

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