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Passionate Winemaking on Video

Marvel at the enthusiasm of winemakers from around the world as captured in a People's Choice Wine Awards video competition.

This week our Wednesday post is a bit different and looks at life as a winemaker through a series of two minute videos from different parts of the world.

They were all submitted as part of the People’s Choice Wine Awards new video category entitled “Wine Passion: The Story Behind the Label”.

This award is sponsored by The Wine Show – which the eternally enthusiastic Joe Fattorini hosts.

Some of these brief videos are professionally compiled others just shot on someone’s mobile phone.

The mechanics matter not. Every clip reflects the buzz that accompanies that journey from vine to bottle and the passion of the people that make it happen.

Being Youtube , I cannot avoid the concluding adverts but a refresh via the home page will you move you on.

You will need headphones if you are accessing the videos in a quiet place.

First a Broad Look

Here is a video from a South African winemaker that sets out the whole picture about winemaking

Now to Australia

Even after moving a long way east to Australia, we still see the same passion and determination even in difficult times (look out for the smoke from bush fires in the background)

Keep Moving East

With some atmospheric background music, we now consider an Argentinian winemaker – I just love the idea of “sending the expert to Coventry” and doing your own thing.

Back to the Old World

Of course passion is not confined to the new world as this video from Portugal shows us (look out for the steepness of vineyards and for the best christening present ever)

And Actually Back Home

Given the fantastic progress of English wine, it is no surprise to be reminded that the very same passion can be found on these shores too.

Finally then to the Winner

Given that passion was the title of this category it is fitting to see that quality being demonstrated in vast quantities but with typically British understatement by a guy now making wine in Spain.

I hope you have enjoyed our brief video show that demonstrates how passion about wine is truly international yet seems to unite everyone involved in the world of wine we enjoy so much. 

Full marks to the People’s Choice Wine Awards for thinking of this excellent way to convey winemaking passion and including it in their competition.

Back to the day job on Friday guys with recommendations for a couple of wines that I think merit your attention.

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4 responses

  1. What I wanted was occasional recommendations and suggestions as to what wines are on offer and worth looking at .. these far more frequent posts and different topics and videos are a departure. I am sure lots will like them and I wish you well .. not for me though

  2. Quite understand mate and appreciate your candour. Can I suggest just opening Monday posts which are the ones that are aimed at the type of material that seems to interest you. I am very happy to have you as a selective subscriber and hope I can continue to provide the recommendations you want …. Best …. Brian

  3. I feel that it is the clever thing to do with websites. Decide what works for you and concentrate on that.
    Hold off going to “Mondays only” for a week though because next Wednesday has something that I think will be of interest.

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