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Fizz and Sparkle for Everyone

Here is something that will appeal to all lovers of sparkling wine within the areas it covers.

As regular MidWeekers will know, this site is all about taking the pretention out of wine; we are happy to go wherever that objective leads us.

And few wines attract more high-flown pomposity than fizz – so it was a pleasure to encounter the Cracking Wine website and the down to earth approaches its architects have built into their Fizz Festivals.

So, what are Fizz Festivals?

They are exactly what such events should be – fun, informative and approachable.

Last year’s runaway success in Altrincham is being repeated and joined by one in Edinburgh – with (according to the rumour mill) an extension into Yorkshire planned for 2017.

They all include cava, prosecco and, of course, champagne together with master classes and contributions from food producers too – all for £25 a ticket.

And a first for us too

So closely do the events match what MidWeek Wines is trying to do that – for the very first time – we are sponsoring an award (the Fizz Festival People’s Choice Award for UK fizz).

People’s Choice is a good title. Remember the people power behind the rise and rise of prosecco.

Popular tastes override the doubters

The snootier end of the wine press has long disparaged prosecco but the ordinary buying public decided that they loved it, ignored all the “noises off” and turned it into a multi-million bottle success story.

We adore upward pressure like that so go to the Edinburgh event on 29 October or the Cheshire one on 12-13 November and, perhaps, help make UK wine the next big success story. A falling pound will make it seem even better value.

How to get in

Tickets are at www.crackingwine.co.uk  or you can find the festivals on Facebook and Twitter.

And a brief look ahead

Next week, our quest to ensure everyone gets the most out of wine returns to a more orthodox path with a review of wine from Morrisons – followed by Sainsbury’s a week or so later.

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